I've recently been playing with telephone dials again, and discovered that a handheld dial tester existed which would save faffing around with an oscilloscope. I managed to pick one up on eBay for slightly more than I would have liked to have paid, but it is in perfect condition so I can't complain too much.
Naturally I didn't read the manual and immediately started playing with it, but it turns out it doesn't function quite like how I'd anticipated. Still, I'll probably get some use out of it.
Dialled Digit Analyser 1A
Digit Analyser and Tele 290 test set
Checking if a telephone dial is within spec without removing it from the phone.
I've previously written a blog post on using a Digital Oscilloscope to adjust the dial in a telephone, but it assumed the dial had been removed for stripping and cleaning prior to adjustment. I've recently been experimenting with some telephones to figure out the tolerances for both the Pulses Per Second and Make/Break ratio of the Grandstream HT8XX ATAs and wanted to check a dial without disassembling the whole phone.
I wasn't quite sure on the best way to go about it so I asked on the Telecommunications Heritage Group mailing list and James Campbell kindly replied with a simple way of checking the dial.